Thursday, October 28, 2010

No Tricks, All Treats - Cacoa Cookies!

My name is Tegra and I have a chocolate problem.

I LOVE sweet things. I blame my mom. The Chandler sweet tooth is alive and well, which does not make paleo life the easiest. Whenever I can't put my sugar fire out with veggies and copious amounts of sun butter and ground beef, I turn to my cheats :). This urge for an insulin spike is always stronger around holidays and Halloween is no exception. So when my co-workers are diving into Kit Kats, I reach for my Cacoa Cookies!

Here's the recipe for the Cookies:

- 1 cup Almond Flour
- 2/3 cup shredded Coconut (I love the thicker ones)
- 1.5 tbs Coconut Oil (and a little extra to grease the pan)
- 1/2 cup Almond Butter
- 1/3 cup Coconut Flower (I didn't have any, so I used the super thinly shredded coconut)
- 1 tbs Vanilla
- 1 egg
- 1.5 tbs Cacoa Powder/Non-Dairy Cocoa Powder
- .5 cup Agave Nectar or Honey

1. Mix all the dry ingredients in one bowl and all the wet ones in another.
2. Grease a baking sheet with some coconut oil and pre-heat your oven to 350 degrees.
3. Slowly mix the dry ingredients into the wet ones.
4. Using a spoon, drop rounded spoonfuls onto the baking sheet about 1.5-2 inches apart. I prefer to flatten mine so they bake all the way through. If you are a chewy cookie person, leave them in spherical form for a mushy center (sickos).
5. Bake them for about 10 minutes (depending on your cookie size and oven) then transfer them to a baking sheet to cool.

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