Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Paleo Experiment: Day 1

Couldn't think of a better day to start this new eating style! I left for work/errand running at 6:15 this morning and walked back in the door just after 7 pm, so I'm counting my blessings I was able to prep for the day!

Breakfast (pre errands): 1 snack size Lara bar

Actual Breakfast: chicken, apple, almonds

Lunch: chicken, apple, almonds (can you tell someone needed to go grocery shopping?)

Snack: chicken & almonds

Dinner: Chicken bacon & avocado salad (see drool worthy photo below) and dried apples with a bit of peanut butter for dessert!

Of course, I realized after dinner that peanut butter is not paleo (even my all natural Justin's), but I figure if that's the worst I do on my first day, I'm not too bad off! Today was not intentionally a rest day, but the dinner took longer to prepare than I thought it would, so I'll take my day off :). I stole the recipe from Adrien who found it on Mark's Daily Apple blog (one of my new favorite resources). It was delish! Even skeptical Steve enjoyed it and requested a repeat! Another hit was the paleo Cacoa Nib Cookies I made! Stay tuned for photos of my next batch (fingers crossed it's more photogenic than the first)!